Here is a complete journal of all the site entries since the founding of the site.
Announcements:Posted by Rain August/09/04
So im working on the KH: Chain of Memories sections... and i got quite a bit up today. I added the Rumours section, Added 32 screenshots of KH:COM Added 3 new wallpapers to KH: COM
Announcements:Posted by Rain August/08/04
Added three new sections: KH: Synthesis Guide KH:Mushroom Guide KH2: Storyline Theory by Fire Wolf We also have a new affiliate called The Poapu Tree House, which is a great site featuring different Kingdom Hearts fanart.
Announcements:Posted by Rain July/14/04
Version 1 is here!
Main navigation is to the left and sub navigation is to the right. New features are coming soon...
12 new images added to the KH gallery including rare heartless images.
Hello, I'm a new staff member and my job to keep everyone up to date with news on KH1, KH chain of memories, and KH2. I've found new information on KH2. It has been confirmed that Vincent from Final Fantasy Seven will have a role in KH2, two of the new worlds are: Hercule's Ancient Greece and Beauty and the Beast's world or mansion,(whatever Beast lived in), and one of the new abilities learned in KH2 is Teleport.
Announcements:Posted by Rain July/14/04
Version 1 is on its way!
I haven't yet made an official layout for the site (this one is a temporary one), but i started designing it. Click Here to view its progress.
Contact Webmaster: Email KH archive or by Aim: squall4213
Announcements:Posted by Rain July/06/04
Feel free to email me at KH archive if you spot any content errors, or to request a section. Also note: KH archive is now taking on staff members in all areas. Email me for details at KH archive
Added Sections: "Summons"
Updates:Posted by Rain June/30/04
Added new sections: -KH FMV screens -Torn Pages -Trinities -Soundtrack -Magic List
Updates:Posted by Rain June/28/04
Added new sections: -Weapons (finished) -Accessories -Simple and Clean Remix
Updates:Posted by Rain June/20/04
Added a few new sections...they include: -Postcards -101 Dalmations -Abilities (finished)
Updates:Posted by Rain June/14/04
I got a bunch of the sections up, but theres still quite a few still needing to be updated. I apologize for the shaky layout, but the archives are under major construction. Among the sections up are: Characters Storyline Wallpapers Gallery Raft supply Locations Abilities ( Not finished ) Weapons ( Not Finished )
Updates:Posted by Rain June/10/04
So its about a week into the construction, and the layout is coming along nicely. A few sections are up now, but ill get the rest up when the layout is done.
Updates:Posted by Administrator June/8/04
This is the opening of the Kingdom Hearts Archive, the future largest KH archive. The archives are still being assembled, and it may take a while. No dates are known for when the site will be complete.