At the end of the game after the credits have rolled, there is an option of seeing a trailer to the upcoming game Kingdom Hearts two. This is an FMV video that features the mysterious unknowns and is well worth the effort to get it. In order for you to recieve this you must
-Find all 99 Dalmations.
-Win the Hades Cup.
-Seal every world including 100 acre wood
For information on the requirement visit our dalmations and ourHades cup sections.
Sora's Cheer ability
Many people pass this one by because they want to get out of the 100 acres woods as soon as possible. But this can prove to be a useful techique if you invest the time to get it. The woods have a series of mini-games, and if you achieve a certian score or time in the games, then you will learn Cheer. Speak to Owl at Pooh's House after your have met the scores:
-Pooh's Hunny Hunt: more than 100 licks.
-Block Tigger: more than 150 points.
-Pooh's swing: more than 40 yards
-Tigger's Giant Pot: complete within 30 seconds
-Pooh's Muddy Path: find all pooh's friends in less than five minutes.
Clock Tower items
This one's hard to spot as well. This is a very long and tedious extra, but it dishes out the rarest items. The extra becomes availiable after sealing Neverland. Every hour you play the game, a small white light will shine above a door on one of the sides of the tower. Go to that door and examine it to obtain a rare item. An hour later, another white light will appear, and so on and so on. Play the game for 12 hours to get all the item. WARNING: If you don't come back to check every hour, then you will have to wait until the clock rotates back to the time you missed. Here are the prizes:
-1:00 Orichalcum
-2:00 Power Up
-3:00 Mythril Shard
-4:00 Power Up
-5:00 AP Up
-6:00 Mythril
-7:00 AP Up
-8:00 Defense Up
-9:00 Orichalcum
-10:00 Defense Up
-11:00 Mythril Shard
-12:00 Megalixer
Ultima Weapon
This isn't a big "secret" but its worth putting in here anyway. To get Sora's Ultima Weapon systhesis it at the moogles workshop. For a ton of info on the weapon go to our ultima weapon section. In order to get Donald's ultimate weapon, win the Hades cup with Sora alone, and to get goofy ultimate weapon, win the Hades Cup Time trial.
Rare Truffle Ranks
If you can keep a rare truffle in the air for 50 hits, then it will drop the Shiitake rank, and a 100 times in a row, it will drop the Matsutake Rank. The ranks are pretty much no more than bragging rights, but they are cool to have. Also there is a chance it will drop Mystery Goo, or the rare Mystery Mold, which you can sell for 9,999 munny! To simplify the process use aeroga and recast every 20 hits. For a lot more info on Rare Truffle visit our Mushroom Guide.
Extra Bosses
There are four extra bosses in the English Version of Kingdom Hearts. These becomes availiable after sealing the Hollow Bastion Keyhole. They are:
Sephiroth - Fight in the Platinum Match at Olympus Coliseum {Strategy}
The Ice Titan - Fight in the Gold Match at Olympus Coliseum {Strategy}
Kurt Zisa - Go to alladin's house and ask Magic Carpet for a ride.
The Phantom - Speak to Tinkerbell in the Ship to be taken to the clocktower.
Rare Item Drops
If you rush through the game then you'll miss these powerful weapons. Equip Lucky strike to increase your chances of getting them. The heartless Defender will drop Goofy's rare sheild "Defender." The Heartless Wizard will drop Donald's rare "Wizards Relic."
Merlin's Generosity
Merlins will reward you weapons based upon magical status. If you obtain all first level spells, speak to him to recieve the Spellbinder Keychain. After obtaining all third level spells speak to him to get Donald's Dream rod. After obtaining all the Arts items talk to him to get Goofy's Dream Sheild. Also speak with the Fairy Godmother to gain Donald's Lord Fortune weapon after aquiring all the summon characters.
Chocobo Gummi Ship
Most people miss this one. In order to get the rare Chocobo blueprint you have to enter Geppetto's house 30 times, and then speak to Pinocchio.