When the match begins use your targeting system and lock on Yuffie. She has less HP and also the ability to heal both her and Squall, so take her down first. Use the guard ability to deflect her ninja stars back at her. If Yuffie stops moving then run up and strike, because this usually means she is about to heal. Also, always keep an eye on Leon, so he doesn't blindside you with a devastating attack. Attack with combos until Yuffie goes down. The best way is just to overwhelm her. With her out of the picture switch your target to Leon. Keep a good distance from him until your ready to attack. Face to face combat isn't the best with Leon, because his attacks are hard to guard against. When he jumps to slash down on you, simply dodge roll out of the way. When Leon uses his "Fire" attack, just guard to deflect it right back at him. Once Leon's HP meter is low, he will charge up his gunblade. This makes it difficult to reach him, but you can if you dodge roll under his blade. Deliver the final blows, and claim the Pegasus Cup!